Greetings from Domelandia,
Just got back from Texas and a nice visit with my family. We had time to walk, eat barbecue, talk, tell jokes, and shop. We spent some time with grandnieces (5 and 8). The youngest did something remarkable that reminded me that before we start caring what other people think, we can still see Heaven.
It was after the big party My Bro threw for the family--that's me and the Viking, and an assortment of sisters, brothers, nephews, nieces, sons, and 2 granddaughters (5 and 8). My Bro is the one that makes a special effort to keep our family connected. We gathered at his house from a variety of scattered locations (The Viking and I are the furthest away) and enjoyed reconnecting. We ate great food, soaked in the hot tub, played games, and generally had a blast doing all of that, talking our heads off and laughing at the good parts.
When it was time to go, the 5-yr-old said, "I want us to all get into a circle and hold hands. I want us to go around the circle and say how much we love everyone. I'll go first." And she told us exactly how much she loved everyone and what a wonderful time we'd just had together. There was an embarrassed silence by some of us. The rest said, "awww..." then silence.
Awkward seconds passed, and then in turn, we responded with our own statements of love.
In that moment, the youngest of us was our spiritual leader, telling us to stop for a second and feel the love. Telling us to be grateful right now. Telling us to say out loud and in front of everybody how much we love one another. It reminded me of our Mother, who always said a prayer to kick off the festivities at family gatherings in the past.
Our generation wanted our children to know how to be strong, upright, fair-minded, good partners, loving moms and dads, good sons and daughters. Their children, I am certain, are all that, and a bag of chips.
OMG what a perfect ending to your family time. Kids are soooooo close to Source, they do such a good job reminding us it's there for us, too.