Greetings from Domelandia,
Our 12-year-old dog Scout doesn't know he's getting too old to chase coyotes and bears. He still races off into the woods in pursuit of anyone or anything that might threaten his Family. It's his job.
We've asked him not to chase deer and turkeys, and he listens and just watches them. I've seen him on the heels of a brown bear, fearlessly nipping at its hind parts. When I'm walking in the woods alone, I'm not alone. When a stranger approaches the house, I trust him to know if they're OK people or if they're up to no good. (We do get a few of the latter from time to time, but Scout won't let them get out of their vehicles). He is an awesome friend and protector. As I said, we've learned to trust him completely. And we love him.
Strawberry Blonde daughter came here to live and built a little dome across the way. She wanted a dog and looked at all the websites, but none of those felt right. One day she was inspired to call the vet to see if there were any puppies that needed a home. Thanks to a compassionate farmer couple, she found the right dog. Maitri (her name is Sanskrit for courageous friendship) is an apprentice at the feet (paws) of the Master. She's already learning about defending the homestead. Scout now has some much-needed backup. It'll take awhile before she understands not to chase deer and elk, but she's smart.
Like my dog friend, it's hard to imagine doing less than I've always done. My body is taking issue with that idea. I used to be able to spend hours and hours in the garden, and now I can't. It hurts to lower myself to the ground to tend to my vegetables and hurts again to get myself back up. Still, I want to be out there with the Wild World around me, figuring out how to make the most of our short growing season and how to create solutions so we can have a garden despite the continuing drought. And figuring out how to make the most of whatever comes next.
Meanwhile, I'm going to make special breakfasts for my good Scout and for his new sidekick. He gets to do pretty much whatever he wants to do. He's earned it.